
The base herd was originally bought from the Cockerington Herd who’s breeding line go back further than 50 years (we estimate including our herd 62 years)

The Herd

It is a “Closed Herd” which means we do not bring in animals from outside the herd and only currently used imported semen from Swedish Bulls of the right genetics’.

High Health Status

After sorting out the initial Heifers we retained animals who tested free of Neospora.

The Closed Herd is registered with the SRUC for its Health Status and is tested Annually for the premium level entry.

The main High Health advantage to the Closed Herd is that the Farm has “no rights of Way foot paths or Bridleways” through ay part of it as it is based in a private estate.


The herd Genetics are now refined further by using semen from Swedish Polled Bulls which are genetically tested for ad mortalities.

The Advantage to the Genetic process are:

  • A good temperament
  • Easy Calving
  • Eliminate animal of dehorning
  • A good/high growth rate with little input
  • High Density / Muscle with a good length Carcass
  • Reasonable bone structure

Why invest in such Genetic Breeding

From a Beef Farmers view it about ease of producing a good animal with minimal costs and input

  • Reduces Calving Difficulties/Caesarean
  • Growth rate at reduced costs
  • Reduced labour/Cost of De Horning and animal Welfare
  • A good Carcass
  • A better Carcass at an earlier age